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BARKOD : 8680436533802
Product Code : T10605

Zore ZR-HP02 3.5mm Headphone

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Sinyal iletim kaybını azaltmak ve net ses kalitesi sağlamak için güçlü ve kaliteli 3.5mm metal uç

Zore ZR-HP02 3.5mm Headphone - 1
Zore ZR-HP02 3.5mm Headphone - 2
Zore ZR-HP02 3.5mm Headphone - 3
Zore ZR-HP02 3.5mm Headphone - 4
Zore ZR-HP02 3.5mm Headphone - 5
Zore ZR-HP02 3.5mm Headphone - 6
Zore ZR-HP02 3.5mm Headphone - 7
Zore ZR-HP02 3.5mm Headphone - 8
Zore ZR-HP02 3.5mm Headphone - 9
3.5 mm input
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