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BARKOD : 6976195091175
Product Code : T28190

Wiwu EB312 Hi-Fi Sound Quality 3.5mm Headphone

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Wiwu EB312 Hi-Fi Ses Kaliteli 3.5mm Kulaklık

3.5 mm giriş

Hi-Fi ses kalitesi

Kaliteli bass

1.1 metre kablo uzunluğu

20 Hz - 20 kHz frekans aralığı

Hassasiyet: 99dB ± 3dB

Hoparlör çapı: 10mm

Hoparlör direnci: 160 ± %15

Ergonomik tasarım sayesinde kolay kullanım

Wiwu EB312 Hi-Fi Sound Quality 3.5mm Headphone - 1
Wiwu EB312 Hi-Fi Sound Quality 3.5mm Headphone - 2
Wiwu EB312 Hi-Fi Sound Quality 3.5mm Headphone - 3
Wiwu EB312 Hi-Fi Sound Quality 3.5mm Headphone - 4
Wiwu EB312 Hi-Fi Sound Quality 3.5mm Headphone - 5
Wiwu EB312 Hi-Fi Sound Quality 3.5mm Headphone - 6
Wiwu EB312 Hi-Fi Sound Quality 3.5mm Headphone - 7
Wiwu EB312 Hi-Fi Sound Quality 3.5mm Headphone - 8
Wiwu EB312 Hi-Fi Sound Quality 3.5mm Headphone - 9
3.5 mm input
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